
The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some much on my mind, I can't sleep

First I would like to designate this section of this blog posts to tattoos. (Well maybe I shouldn't say designate, that is not the right word... I like authorized better.) I dislike tattoos with a passion, not because they are ugly(which they are), not because they cost a butt load of money(because they do), not because I am not allowed to get one(but who in their right mind would want one any way), not because they will look AWESOME in thirty years-sarcasm-(which they won't when you are all saggy), BUT because they defile the most precious thing we have on this earth. The only thing that is really ours to make bad chooses in,(and getting a tattoo is a bad choose) live, and have free agency in and you and go damage it. Something that is already priceless and beautiful ruined. Don't you know that your body is a temple of the Lord that is quite frankly out on lone right now to you. Would you ask to borrow a book for someone you respect and love, then go and tell your kids its a coloring book? NO, why is OK to ask to borrow a body and then get "pretty colors and cool designs" all over it? 
And before you get offended I would have you know that if you are one of my close friends and you have a tattoo, I still love you and don't hate you because you have a tattoo. I just wish you wouldn't have gotten one, it makes me sad more than angry to see you do something like this to your body.
OK! Enough with my ranting....
Tonight while I was on a date, my date stated something "life is good" and it kinda brought this whole wave of emotion, lately I have been putting my self down and secluding myself from situation because of financial reasons and the silliest, stupid things make me upset . But "life is good" I have a home, family, good friends and the gospel. Life can't get much better than this. Why am I complaining, I have so many things to be thankful for(BTW HAPPY THANKSGIVING) and even if the world was coming to and end, i still have plenty of things to be thankful for. Some times we lose sight of things that actually matter, and one thing that I learned last Sunday is ingratitude is one of the best sins that LDS people today make. I guess it's because we have so much all of the time, we never even think of a life without it. And because it's that time of year one of my favorite songs pops into me mind "Because I have been given much I too must give, Because of thy great bounty each day I live, I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that  I see, who has the need of help from me?...  My goal for this week is to give to those in need.
I read something tonight that inspired me and I would like to close with it
“If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart, I’ll always be with you.”
-Winnie the Pooh

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