
The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today I listened to some Raffi songs that we use to listen to on the way to Grandma's house. And it made me cry, I miss having innocence, I miss Grandma, I miss being care free, I miss Utah, I miss rolling down hills, I miss playing in the rain, I miss bum hills, I miss Rick(and he hasn't even left yet), I miss Primary, I miss Gymboree, I miss raisins, I miss the time when I didn't have to pay attention in sacrament (just kidding), I miss flying kites, I miss building forts out of chairs and sheets, I miss The Friend, I miss animal crackers, I miss kiddie pools , I miss Pokemon, I miss being able to get into place for free, I miss getting an award for using the potty, I miss free food, I miss the kids menu, I miss not having responsibility, I miss when school use to be easy, I miss happy meals, I miss Legos, I miss Barbies, I miss fudge sickles, I miss lemon drops, I miss parades, and the list can go on forever.
But I am also grateful the blessing to grow and learn. Because honestly it would stink to not learn from your mistakes, and to never be able to go on rollercoasters because your too short, or never go on a date, or never drive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! I don't know you, but thats ok. I actually found your blog when I was Googling efy under photos. :D then I clicked on your blog and discovered taht you love owl city!!!! Your are awesome. And if you couldn't tell, I'm also LDS, and I live in North Carolina. Just saying, it was a pleasant surprise running into your blog, and If you ever care to see mine, here it is: