
The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

EFY- I don't even know how to begin....

Well lets begin with the end.... I have been home from EFY for about 2 weeks now and i have yet to really go face the evils of this world. This is partially due to the fact that i work as a nanny Monday- Thursday 8-5:30, and partially due to me being scared to go bace]l to the real world. But sadily i couldn't avoid it any longer, Tuesday night i had to attend a sectional and my section was not the only one that had planned to have a sectional on this very day. One thing i did notice while i was there was everyone flocked toward me. It was weird everyone came up to me and was like hi, how was your summer? How is your mom? Who is that boy in your profile pic? It was like everyone wanted to be my best friend..... (which is funny because i always feel so alone). So not only did this make me curious as to why all of the sudden i have all of these friends but it made me happy. Now i am still not exactly sure why some people where so friendly but i am sure that others where attracted to "The Spirit Of EFY" that is in my countenance.

 Now EFY- as I explained last year after i got back- it is Especially For Youth is a week long youth-oriented seminar focused on fellowship and teaching the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). ..AKA the best week for your life. 

Unlike last years post I WENT THIS YEAR!!!  I had an amazing time, and I met a bunch of amazing people.

This years theme was drum roll please: Believe. Hope. Endure.
Every year they have a theme and every thing you do through out the week is based on that theme. There are dances, games, FHE(family home evening), devotionals, service projects, classes, workshops, talent show and best of all testimony meeting!!One of my favorite pass times at EFY is staring at really hot Mormon boys.... JUST KIDDING! No really one of my favorite pass times is playing games down in the lodge! Ninja, Kuncha, Big booty and SOOO much more. MY favorite quote is "If you can't have fun with out drinking a beer, you obviously have never hung out with the Mormons" and boy do we know how to have F. U. N. !!!!!!!! 

I really want to post all of my notes, but I will refrain for your sake. I will just end with my testimony. I know that the gospel is true. I know it with every fiber of by being. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ, my Savior's sacrifice for me. So that i might return to live with him again. I am grateful for friends in the church, we were all truly kindred spirits in heaven and I am especially grateful for those that lift me and warn me of things to come. I am grateful for the leaders of this church they are inspired my the spirit of God and not only teach us what we need to do but comfort and encourage us. I know that the Book of Mormon is the true word of God, that if we live by its teachings we will always have "The Spirit of EFY" and Saint will never have a hold on us. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he translated the Book Of Mormon correctly. And i say these things in the name of our Lord and Savoir. AMEN!

Like I said in my last post about EFY my aunt Leah offered to pay for my sister and I to go.  I am truly grateful for that, I learned to so much and I feel so much stronger. I have grown to have an marvelous testimony of family and why we were put on this earth with them. To learn and to grow and to HELP and most of all to love! Families are so awesome! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wanna FLY with me?

Hey again. It's Carolyn. I'm listening to Owl City, flying away with myself, and it provoked me to tell you more about me. I love my life for one, as shaky, crazy, annoying, and ridiculous it may get, I always look up. I love Owl City, I love classical music, and any kind of music that gives me chills, aka Eric Whitacre (a composer for you non-bandies) among others whose music just let's my fly away in my own world. I dream, literally, of going on a cruise and having the time of my life, as I have before, but haven't in a very long time and love the idea of cruising so much that I am highly considering working on one after graduating college. School? I'm a good kid, make decent grades enough to get into NHS what not, but I find myself becoming very lazy as I progress in my high school career. I dream of attending BYU!!!!! I can't wait, i literally am sceeming to find away to get there faster if you know what i mean. I can't wait to have life ALWAYS be like EFY(which will probably the next thing i post about). I want to get my associates in cosmetology and then get my doctorate in Family studies- psychology. I can help with problems if you need, and I really kinda enjoy it so have at it lol. I play Clarinet in band  and I am decent at playing, nothing more, nothing less. I am a proud and excited leader, I am Band Captain, this year and i am super excited/nervous to take on the challenge  Once again, for non-bandies, Band Captain is the person how is the face of the band, she is the band, she does everything and anything to make it run smoothly and she has the most responsibility. I am a JESUS FREAK haha I go to Church and spend a large portion of my life, everyday , doing something with the church, and if you ever want to talk religion or JESUS, hit me up! Uhh, I think that's where I'll leave you today, I know you're so desperate to know more. I'll fill you in later on the roller coaster ride of a life that I live.