
The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah BATMAN!!!

Batman is my hero, haha. I mean just look at him. Everyone says oh spider man is so legit. My opinion is that spider man is a girl!  I mean ya he can spin webs, but so can a black widow! He can fly, not really he just swings in the new york city with his spider web. All i am saying is that if Spider man and Batman where to get into a fight we all know how would win. Batman has scientific knowledge, detective skills, athletic prowess and the looks:) Besides spider man doesn't even have a trusty side-kick. Just look at him(see picture above) you can't tell me that he doesn't look fulgurant! Now proceed to look at the picture below, who would win in a battle to the death. I think my point is obvious:) 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol!

That is right folks! SOCCER
I love soccer!
There is a lot to know about soccer so i will lay it down for you in 5 simple rules.
  1.  First and foremost "HANDS OFF", no picking up no moving no nothing. Only time you can pick up a ball is if your the goalie or for throw-ins but we will get to that later!
  2. Each team is trying to get the ball into the opposing teams goal.
  3. Each team has a goalie that protects their goal. (only person that can use hands.)
  4. If you kick the ball out of bounds then the other team gets to throw it in.
  5. And the most important rule.... Have fun
Now I haven't played in a long time. (You kinda loss track of time when your in high school). But when I do play I play center forward. It was my favorite pass time. A couple weekends ago when we had our ward beach trip I played and it was so much fun. I forgot how much I loved it! I also realized how rusty I am. I was playing with a bunch of middle aged men and boy they were creaming me! I felt like I am 16 years old i should be able to out run, out play, and beat these old men (no offense). But sadly (and I am kinda ashamed to say) I lost!
Since I am fully raped up in band during the fall I have decided to join the spring league next year or at least get a game together with all those old men every so often. :)


WABB- Women Against Basement Boys
What is a basement boy you may ask?
WELL before I tell you anything you first have to know the story.....(scene wave fade). Our family was on our way home from one of your BIG family dinners, when some brought up what my aunt said at the table(and I quote) "Cade (my youngest cousin) is so good at video games and he is only 3 years old:)". As we pondered the thought of Cade glued to the computer/TV constantly until reluctantly being pulled away. Hannah said i hope he does become one of those basement boys that are 30 and live in the basement of there parents house, and all they do is play video games. Everyone laughed but we soon realize that it was nothing to laugh at this is a SERIOUS issue. I told my best friend Kali of the dilemma and we got right to work in forming WABB. Here is a little informational video:)!/video/video.php?v=1313609248809
This fast spreading epidemic is taking over the lives of many and saidly it has grown to affect woman as well. How are we suppose to do any good in the world if all we are doing is sitting around and playing video games. The worst thing about this epidemic is that it is highly addictive and very dangerous. It can take over someones live. And cause people to have to go through with-drawl. I can also blur a persons capability to know right from wrong. 
Nevertheless, we sad to say that we just can't control the fast growing population of basement boys....
How to be a polite basement boy...
This poor boy..... Very sad video!
He just a boy!


That is right I have a disability.... but disabilities are not always that noticeable like Down-Syndrome or Aspersers. I have been blessed to have have a lot of *special spirits* in my life and they have opened my eyes. To over come and and out smart my disability. These certain people have never given up and don't let there disability hold them back... And i some times do:(
One quote that i have learned to live by is from Gold medalist and Olympic Figure skater, Scott Hamilton, when he was two years old he contracted a mysterious illness that caused him to stop growing and he would have just 6 months to live. Of course my disability is now were to life threatening... "The only disability in life is a bad attitude."
I was tested when i was about 8 years old, the school system calls it "a 504 plan" but it all means the same thing. Basically if I don't write down every number in a math problem the numbers "fall off the the table" and if I don't spend a lot of time reading i will never finish a book.... which reminds me I probably should get started on my summer reading.... Because I got tested i get extra time on tests like FCAT and test inside the class room. Not all of my teacher are aware of my dyslexia, because I don't need extra time too finish an art project or simple things like unto it.
When I first sat down to right this blog it was because I was REALLY upset about what happened in one of my classes on exam day. Although I don't take advantage of my disability all the time. I still take longer the the average student to finish, meaning I finish in the allotted time but i am ALWAYS the last one to turn my papers in. I was sitting in French taking our finally exam and like I told you i was the last one to finish. Everyone had turned in there exam expect for me. Have you ever been trying to concentrate and all you could focus on was an annoying noise in the background well. "The trouble makers" of the class thought i would be a good idea to talk really loud even though I was still working. My teacher told them to be quite numerous times but you know how trouble makers are... Through the mist of them talking and making a raucous every so often the flipped me the birdy and became ruder and ruder. By the last 10 problems one of the 2 "trouble makers" leaned over to the other "trouble maker" and said "lets stare at her (meaning me) until she finishes. Now if any of the other things they were doing didn't distract me before this sure did! I finally finished the exam with 30 minutes to spare. But when stood up to turn it in I could let the moment of opportunity pass me by, I said as boldly (and sarcastically) as i could "thanks so much for helping me with my dyslexia, that is just great" and then sat down... I know this was probably not the most Christ like thing to say and I am sorry. But at the time i was really mad.

Dyslexia is a trial and hardship but, it is also a blessing. It teaches me patience, understanding, and humility. Most of the time I am ungrateful, but from now on i will try to be more grateful for what I have rather than what i don't have. I have learned that most of our infirmities are given to us to teach us something in this life. I am sure there is a lot more for me to learn, because I am defiantly not perfect. Which reminds me...."Nobody's Perfect". Hahahahahaha

Friday, June 4, 2010

Divine Comedy

Divine Comedy is a comedy troupe that is held at BYU. They do live shows and also YouTube videos. They are so awesome and i want to try-out when/if I get to BYU!!! The live performances are CRAZY (at least as crazy as Mormons can get) there is glow sticks, candy, music and so much fun! And at the end of the show Gallagher smashes fun and veggies with a hammer.  BYORG (Bring your own rain gear). Show run to be about and hour and 30 minutes. I can’t wait for college!!!! Check out my recent favorite THIS IS MY JAM!!